About Your Blogger:

I am (a) mother, wife, daughter, granddaughter, friend, social worker and just a human being. You may not be all these things, but I can guarantee you that we have a lot in common.

Like Mr. Rogers stated once:

Thank you Mr. Rogers, ain’t that the truth!

Let me begin by saying that I love writing. Writing has always helped me with my feelings and emotions. It also allows me to get creative and I can be very passionate about it when I feel strong about a topic. Writing gives me freedom, and in times of doubt, It helps with my confidence.

You may be thinking at loud, “Oh great another blogger!” not so fast! well, yes of course, another blog but keep your mind opened and you’ll be surprised at what you find in my stories. Remember, everyone’s blogs are different, and perhaps my blog turns out to be your cup of tea or coffee, whichever you prefer. Now, I don’t expect you to agree with me while you read my posts and please, feel free to voice your thoughts. However, I do want you to feel a sense of comfort and validation as you read them. After all, we are all human beings and we experience different things at different times, and I want you to know that I do understand you.

As you read my stories, you will find them to be, as I call them my 3 U’s and 2 R’s:

  • Unapologetic
  • Unexpected
  • Unfiltered
  • Raw
  • Relatable

My biggest wish for you is that once you finished reading my post, you will reflect on your own stories and hope that I’ve given you the closure and validation you seek. We live in a world where our feelings are often neglected and our daily struggles are not acknowledged. Every single day, we experience a variety of emotions and feelings. We can have good days, bad days and a combination of both. My goal is for you to feel free and to feel proud and empowered to be a flawed individual. Let’s be honest, we are not perfect and life is not all rainbows and sunshine;but we are powerful, strong and fighters and this is why I know this blog is for you.

My topics will vary, and I will devote myself to writing one to two posts weekly or bi-weekly. I would very much appreciate your feedback and I welcome new topic suggestions! we are in this together and whatever it is that you are experiencing, it will be acknowledged!

Thank you for your time and for allowing me to be there for you.



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